Welcome to Landell Group!

Emanuel Ländell, Founder

I’m here to bring a personal touch to IT consultancy, blending expert knowledge with genuine passion for making a difference through technology. My focus is on delivering top-notch quality, right on schedule, and with a significant impact on both your business and the broader community.

From the meticulous work of technical due diligence to the engaging art of public speaking, from hands-on coding sessions to developing exciting games and strengthening cybersecurity — I cover a broad spectrum of IT services. Each project is an adventure, and I’m committed to tailoring my approach to meet your unique needs.

With Landell Group, you’re not just choosing an IT consultant; you’re partnering with someone who believes in the power of technology to change the world for the better. Let’s make your next project a success together!


Corporate Social Responsibility

We like to brag about our social impact…

We support Hundstallet
Yes, this breaks the design, and that way we will never forget the importance
of keeping this table to grow with every new project.

Landell Group in News

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We are serious about what we do

LGG EnElektriker AB LogoMarsApril Logowp-content.eu
Sigma TechnologyGOGET ABSustainable Maker Room
Aline - Learn better

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