"Hemsidan erbjuder en samling av information om sevärdheter, restauranger och kaféer, affärer, boendealternativ, konst och design, aktiviteter och evenemang, tjänster, företag och föreningar i hela Sverige. Du hittar även en kartöversikt för att enkelt navigera. Vi erbjuder också en kalender för pågående evenemang och Dagens lunch"


Enjoy high-class service from our service companies, discover the charming cafes, restaurants, comfortable accommodations and cozy shops for an unforgettable experience.

Nox Consulting AB


NOX vision is to change and improve the labor market. They know that today's rapid development requires a more flexible labor market and we at NOX want to be part of creating security for both individuals, companies and society in this change. NOX are driven by improving the consulting industry, paving the way for self-employment… Continue reading NOX

Sigma Technology


Sigma Technologies has established a long record of confidence and respect providing expert knowledge for our clients. With an approach that is both systematic and adaptable, Sigma delivers practical solutions to a broad array of network technology and infrastructure projects.

Lokaalt | Handla lokalt | Lidingö, Sweden


Emanuel was first asked to help out with the front-end development and since then the partnership evolved into automation, optimization and backend development in this fantastic platform.

World wide wanda


Together with the Founders Emanuel is coaching young talents and designing future proof platforms and products in segments like Security, Internet of Things.

Developers bay


Finished a job as substitute teacher in the course"IT, Networking and connectivity" for a class of ~ 25 post graduate students.

MarsApril Logo


Proud to be able to announce that LandellGroup and MarsApril will make our first project together.

Landell Games


Landell Games AB is our latest addition to the portfolio. Sign up for early access to Dawn of Empires ...


Sustainable Maker Room has trusted us to be part of the development of its new e-commerce concept.